Tuesday, 18 December 2012

History of QR codes

On the 8th day of QR Codes...

The 8th day of our 12 days of QR codes will be focused towards the history of QR codes and will showcase some artistic QR code examples that have been created with QR Artist. QR codes have been gaining popularity world wide in the recent years. From advertisements, brochures, and newspapers to corn mazes, tombstones, and oreo's QR codes have been printed on everything and made out of everything. 2012 has been the year of the QR code as more people are learning how to properly use them for marketing as well as the general public is learning how to scan them. Nowadays everywhere you look there seems to be a QR code. Lets take a look at  how that came to be...

QR codes were originally invented in Japan for the automobile industry to track vehicles during the manufacturing process and was designed for the intention of components being scanned at high speed. Based off the original barcode that has been around for over 50 years that was invented for the purpose to automatically register items at a grocery store to speed up the process. The inventors of  the original barcode (Bernard Silver and Norma Woodland) took the original concept of morse code and came up with the idea to change the dots into lines to hold encoded information.

In 1994, the Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave took the original barcode idea and created the QR (Quick Response) code that was essentially 2D. Instead of the original barcode that could only read in one direction the QR code could be read both horizontal and vertical. Thus the QR code could hold more information in the same amount of space.

-Handbook of Augmented Reality by Borko Furht

Now to demonstrate how far original bar codes are come since their original invention in the 50's: We will be displaying some custom QR codes created with QR Artist: To create your own go to www.qrartist.net today!

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