Friday, 21 December 2012

Effective uses of QR codes for 2013

On the 11th day of QR codes... (Part 1)

We're on the second last day of QR codes! With 2012 seeing a big spike in QR code popularity, for the 11th day of QR codes we will be providing some great ideas on how to use QR codes effectively for the next year. This blog post will be a two part post and will be continued on the 12th and final day of our QR code Christmas event.

-Use Artistic QR codes at Exhibitions and Trade Shows

Giacomini using QR Artist's Exhibition Package
QR codes are great for trade shows and exhibitions. At these events your booth can get very busy at certain times compared to others. During the peak hours its hard to find time to talk to all the potential customers to give them more information. Putting a QR code on marketing materials will give these customers a great way to interact with your company while you are talking to someone else. Here is a picture of one of our customers using QR Artist's new exhibition package:

-Use artistic QR codes on Banner advertisements

QR codes are a great way to link customers from print media to online media. Having a QR code on a banner at a networking event or as an advertisement is a great way to give interested customers more information about your services.

-Business Cards

Business cards haven't changed much in the past years. But they should! Putting a QR code on a business card is a great way for people to access contact information much easier. It also shows that you are keeping up with changing technology and is a great conversational starter. Consider if you're exhibiting at a tradeshow and have a fish bowl in front of your booth for interested clients to put their business cards. At the end of the day you are going to have an immense amount of business cards to go through and type each e-mail address/phone number into your computer to organize your leads. With the QR code you are able to scan it and the contact information is immediately updated into your phone, thus improving the follow up process.

Newspaper articles and Advertisements

So you have put an ad in the newspaper? Great, but how are you tracking the results? Can you tell how many people are interested in the product? Are you reaching the right audience? By putting a QR code in a newspaper advertisement you can send users to view more information and entice them with coupons and exclusive deals. You are also able to track the results with tracking and analytics that is provided with QR Artist. Using QR codes on articles is great for increasing readership online and showing more pictures and videos that would not fit in regular newspapers.

This is just a start to get you motivated and give you some basic ideas to think about when implementing your next QR code campaign. We will be providing more ideas in our next posts!