Monday 5 November 2012

Featured Employee of the Week

Get to meet the Muprime team! Once a week we will be featuring a Muprime employee for you to get to know more about us and what we do on a daily basis. Today our featured employee is Yeaji Moon. Yeaji is the one and only designer at Muprime Technology and has many different responsibilities. She keeps our team moving smoothly with her constant hard work and improves office morale with sketches of comical cartoons in the office during her free time. Being the only designer at Muprime, Yeaji has many challenging responsibilities that she seems to overcome day in and day out. Yeaji is in charge of any design related tasks including web design, prints, and illustrations. In addition to being in charge of design, she is also responsible for front end developing. For web design, she designs the overall look of the website by combining her design skills with her knowledge of HTML/CSS. Yeaji designs posters, business cards, brochures, and more for print and marketing materials. Furthermore, Yeaji designs images for weekly newsletters. These images range from comical cartoons to serious sketches to help explain certain articles and make the overall look of the newsletter artistic and engaging. Yeaji is currently doing her first co-op work term with Muprime Technology and is a student at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. 

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