Wednesday 19 September 2012


Hello everyone!

We are ecstatic to welcome you to our first ever blog! Here we will be posting information about QR Artist, QR Codes in the news, upcoming events, new features and anything that may be of interest to our readers. Muprime Technology is a start-up company based in the heart of Vancouver, BC.  We’re a company that’s driven by our passion for both design and technology.  Our team consists of the founders, and a small group of developers working hand in hand with marketing co-op students to ensure our product is the best it can be!  Other than living life to the fullest, we have been working hard to develop QR Artist, a user-friendly, artistic QR code generator program. For our first blog, we would like to hear from you, the user, if you have any suggestions for QR Artist. Is there anything that you are really wanting us to include? Maybe new features that we have not thought of yet? Let us know in a response below or by Facebook, and Twitter and we will try to put your suggestion into motion as fast as we can!

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