Wednesday 26 September 2012

How to Create a Simple QR code in 5 Easy Steps

Hello everybody! Are you struggling with creating custom QR codes? We’re here to help!

Today I am going to do a step by step demonstration on how I have created this ‘groovy’ custom QR code using QR Artist.

The custom QR code you see above will redirect you to where you can create your own unique QR codes.  These QR codes can link to more than just websites but can direct the user to business contact information, music pages, send text messages, direct to an e-mail, or put an event into a calendar and much more.  By following the steps that I have listed below you will be able to create a QR code similar to the one I have created in just a few minutes!

Step 1- The easiest step of them all. Go to to log in or create an account for free by clicking this link:
Step 2- Now that you have created an account and logged in click on ‘Create New QR’ in the ‘My QRs Page’ as shown in the image below

Step 3- Choose where you want your QR code to direct the user under content type. The options available are: Browse to a website, Plain Text, Send an SMS, e-mail address, contact card, and calendar event. Once you have filled in all of the required fields* press the green generate logo at the top right. This green generate button needs to be pressed every time after you have made a change to the QR codes effects for the changes to take place.

Step 4- Click on the drop down bar ‘Add effects from effect Library’ on the right hand side and you can choose multiple effects to be incorporated into your custom QR code. In our example, I started with the image effect and chose ‘Image Overlay’ as seen in the below diagram. After I clicked on image overlay I selected my image (optical illusion picture) from my computer. You also have the choice to select images from the user library which already has sample images to choose from.

Now your QR code should look like the one in the image below but with your own image.    

Step 5 – The last step that you need to take to make this simple ‘groovy’ qr code is to add the effect ‘Round Corner’ under shape effects as shown in the diagram below. Now your QR code should look similar to the one that I have created but with your own individual image!

Remember you can add a variety of image and colour effects. You can also add in a logo, text, and even change the finder patterns (squares on the corner on the QR code) with a variety of finder images from the image library. Have fun with it and make as many changes as you like and remember that in order to remove the QR Artist grey watermark from the background you need to purchase the QR code. If you have any problems or questions feel free to respond below or send an e-mail to Thanks! 

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